Welcome to My World
October, 14th 2010

Oh… I was very happy when I presented the class activity that my group made in front of the class. Why? because my friends could be volunteers in that simulation as a students.

Our theme was Procedures Text and related it with recycle things. Our goal was they can know how to make Procedures Text and can explain it. The curriculum wheel also helped us to make the activity based on Multiple Intelligent.

  This is our activities Procedure
Language Teaching Methodologies

Class Activities:

Objective        : Students know about Procedures text, How to make it and explain it in front of the   class.

                        Writing and Speaking

Theme                        : Procedures Text (Recycle Things)

Target             : 3rd grades of Junior High School

Time               : 2 x 45 minutes


1.      Warming up.

Students have to follow the teacher instruction or procedures. They have to make a comfort place for them self because in that section they have to make the movements. After they knew the movements, they have to synchronize it with the song that has been chose. Repeat the movements 3 times.

2.      Introduction

Teacher presents them a theme. A theme is Procedures text. The students have to know the meaning, structures, and the examples of procedures text.

3.      Course

Students watch the video about procedures text. A video is about how to make Orange Tea.

            Teacher introduced them about Recycle as a Green action. Teacher shows the recycle things that have been done and give them explanation how to make it.

            Teacher divides them into several groups and gives them utensils to make the renewable thing. Students also have to write the procedures text how to make it. After they make it, they have to explain about why they made it and how to make it.

4.      End

They have to reflect to their self about what have they done so far and everything that relating with this course. Write in the paper.

When warming up, they had to follow the instruction step by step. Actually they had to dance with structure movements and as a back song was reff of Baby Girl by Aqua. So sweeeet,… so we made the movement as sweet as the song.

After that they were back to their chair and waited the next activity. My group gave a presentation about Procedures Text. We gave them the meaning, structures and examples.

  We also made a video about Procedures Text
After that, the next activity was they had to make the Procedures Text or instruction about how to make a recycle thing from the newspaper that out of date. They had to explain it in front of the class about how to make and why they make it.

After that they have to reflect their activity and everything on the paper. Because from that they can know what’s best or bad (I hope No!) based on their perception and they can know everything and learn from that.

Article : Anak-anak Indigo dan Zaman Keemasan
(Indigo Children and The Golden Age)

I read this article and it looked like amazing. Indigo children are children who are aware of their abilities, while other children need more exercise and spiritual practice to rediscover the hidden talents. Based on article, person who can see the auras of other saying that groups of individuals are remarkable and very admirable incarnation will begin to fall to Earth at the latest in the 20th century. They reported that Indigo children have indigo colored aura and have amazing ability. They can think wisely although they are children. I read that the spiritual masters explained the indigo children have been waited to help take us to the Golden Age, where love will overcome fear, a sense of inner darkness overcome.
One of the stories of indigo children is like a child's 8-years-old girl that told her mother who worked as a police woman that she had been waiting to be born on this Earth and to obtain his mother as a parent. He said that he had a mission. I think that the mother firstly felt confused and try to think clearly about her children. Maybe thought her children lied. But after the passage of time her mother said that her daughter was very wise and knew everything. The daughter was smart and had polite attitude. It is impossible if we think that 8-years-old can do and think like that, so precocious.
From school side, because of the special skills possessed by the Indigo Children, they present new challenges for their parents and school systems currently available to find the right way to help and guide them. I think the current system does not seem to have enough instruments to provide the right environment to meet their needs, and my thoughts are similar with the other people that pay attention for indigo children. fact, their capabilities far ahead. They need more and more. In addition to teaching how to memorize the data, many educators said that schools should also teach the children how to make decisions, how to eat right, and even how to plant food, and how to meditate.
`I still think was amazed with the contents of this article. I finally learned that there are several peoples who have such abilities like that. I also learned that they have very spiritual base. They are not religious, but spiritual .... They have a feeling that can detect a higher power. I also think that where there is something there will be problems that would face the public. And I hope their existence will not interfere with views and thoughts of people who do not know the whole of indigo children.

Senang rasanya jika namaku dipanggil. Mau itu dipanggil nama depan, nama belakang ataupun nama panggilan, tetap saja selalu kebersit kebanggaan akan nama tersebut. Ketika berpapasan dengan teman-teman dijalan, mereka pasti akan menyapa dengan sapaan sebuah nama yang menurut aku sangat bersahabat, sangat mudah diingat dan bermakna dalam baik tersurat maupun tersirat. Memang dasarnya aku suka menyapa orang-orang yang sudah dikenal, makanya aku bersyukur mendapat berkah berupa balasan sapaan nama yang menyenangkan. :D hehehehe

Dari nama aku juga bisa merasakan kedekatan yang bersahabat karena aku selalu memperkenalkan diri dengan nama panggilanku sewaktu kecil. Ketika mendengar nama panggilan ‘sayang’ tersebut ditelingaku, secara otomatis aku merasa tenang dan tidak dalam posisi bertahan atau defensif. Nama tersebut juga selalu dielu-elukan bahkan ketika aku kuliah. Setiap menyanyikan lagu Mars dikampusku, aku sangat bangga dan merasakan perhatian dari beberapa teman-teman. Aku tahu mereka melihat ke aku karena mereka menyanyikan syair yang terdapat nama panggilanku. Ketika mereka melihat ke aku otomatis aku merespon tatapan mereka dengan senyuman.

Bangga, itulah yang ada dalam diriku ketika mengetahui dan mensyukuri bahwa nama inilah yang melekat pada diri ini. Identitas diri yang permanen dan dibawa dari lahir sampai mati. Identitas diri yang mampu menumbuhkan persepsi akan konsep diri.

Aku bahagia bahwa orangtuaku memberikan nama yang masih aku pakai sekarang sekaligus dengan nama panggilannya kepadaku pada hari kelahiranku. Ayah yang menyenangi pelajaran IPS ketika di sekolah, begitu antusias ketika memberi nama anak-anaknya dengan nama-nama yang mengandung banyak doa dan berbau Sansakerta. Lihat saja nama kakakku yang pertama, Tara Bhekti dan kakakku yang kedua, Nazua. Begitu juga dengan namaku, nama yang mengandung arti yang sangat dalam. Aku bersyukur karena nama kami yang beda dan nggak pasaran. Itu sebabnya ketika kami bermain bersama teman-teman, nama kamilah yang pertama mudah diingat.

Nama ini diberikan karena orangtuaku ingin aku menjadi pahlawan yang suksesl dan selalu berhasil. Aku pun berpikir demikian. Hasil pemikiran yang sangat lama sebenarnya walaupun dari arti tersurat namaku mudah ditebak maknanya. Tapi aku justru memahami makna nama ini dari proses kehidupan yang berlangsung sampai sekarang J. Nama tersebut mengandung makna menjadi pahlawan keluarga bahkan Negara (amiin), menjadi pribadi yang kuat dan berhasil meraih cita-cita (amiin2x) serta menolong banyak orang yang membutuhkan.
Hidup untuk pribadi dan orang lain sebenarnya. Aku yakin bahwa nama yang mengandung doa ini sesuai dengan jalan hidup aku yang akan berjaya seperti namanya. Aku percaya dan yakin bahwa doa yang disematkan oleh orangtuaku secara permanen ini adalah identitas terbaik yang sangat menginterpretasikan diriku. Walaupun kadang-kadang aku merasa ‘kalah’ dengan namaku sendiri. Bukan sekali dua kali aku berpikir negatif akan diri dan berimbas ke rasa percaya diriku akan nama ini. Tapi itu semua aku pandang sebagai proses untuk menjadi sosok seperti nama diri. Aku berpikir dengan menjalani semua proses kehidupan, aku akan mendekati sosok yang penuh dengan jati diri yang utuh. Aku akan selalu mencoba untuk terus berpikir positif.

Berpikir positif bahwa nama adalah pemberian terbaik dari orangtua. Maka dari itu, aku tidak akan mengganti namaku menjadi apapun itu atau siapapun itu karena rasa bangga dan doa yang terkandung didalamnya yang membuat aku yakin bahwa hanya akulah yang pantas mendapatkan nama tersebut.

I think we can share about all information in our world. I mean personally or about our environment's hot topic in the Blog. We can share our feeling or reflection just like our diary and we can publish it. We can give our opinion about what the hot topic in our environment just like giving sympathy and others. If we would like to write something we can post it in the blog site. Publish means we can share it to every people in this world through internet. So we can feel more accepted by others people in the world.
But why this site can be most most most popular? Because it is free...hahaha and how to use it is very easily, we can manage the blogs as like our personal's style. Even there are many CSS in the internet that's only to personalize our blogs. (besides we can sharing all of our stuffs, I mean EVERYTHING)

So, what are you waiting for? Just create your own personal Blog....

Happy to know about those advantages of using blog...  

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    Satria Dijaya

    I am in progress to be the next Fabulous.Marvelous.Gorgeous. teacher generation.


    October 2010



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